среда, 2 января 2008 г.

Stereo Virtual Environment

At present cinematograph is used as such means. Its age is above 100 years. Up-to-date technologies achieve such high level that there is a possibility to produce stereo virtual environment which is closer to real world than the cinematograph does. Unlike known systems of virtual environment which require large screens, power projectors, dark rooms, proposed means can be realized with essentially smaller efforts.
Like in known systems, an observer is given a possibility to observe by his (her) left and right eyes two images which differ because of known parallax phenomenon. Up-to date means in a form of cheap and bright RGB leds and microprocessors controlled the brightness of each led enable to form necessary images directly on a retina of an eye of the spectator and give him (her) the impression that light beams go from real world. In this case there is no necessity in large screens, power projectors, great rooms. For this purpose each spectator is provided by a specific glasses in which oscillating mirrors around vertical axis are inserted instead of conventional lenses. The spectator looks at the reflection of leds arranged in a form of vertical line. With a change of the angle of the mirror the spectator has impression that the line is moving horizontally. If each led of the line is turned on and turned off in corresponding instants of time, the spectator sees some image. Phases of oscillations of two mirrors near left and right eyes differ by 90 degrees and the period of oscillations is divided by two time slots. In the first one the image is seen by the left eye but is nor seen by the right one. On the contrary, in the second time slot the image is seen by the right eye and is not seen by the left one. Thus, a possibility exists to present to the left eye the image which is differed from the image presented to the right eye. The spectator has an impression that he (she) sees stereo image or, more correctly, he (she) sees a fragment of stereo image limited by the maximal space angle in which he (she) can see objects of real world. With turning his (her) head or pupils of eyes he (she) will see other fragment of virtual world in the same manner as it takes place in the real world. The product can be used not only in existing cinemas but also in home rooms because neither large screens nor power projectors are required. Several spectators can be immersed in virtual environment simultaneously. Each spectator must be provided by glasses which cost is minimal.

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